Patent Registration

File for Patent Registration online and protect your Inventions for 20 years

AI Advisory has a team of registration experts who can provide complete guidance to register Patent!

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About this Plan

Our patent registration service is designed to assist individuals and businesses in protecting their innovative ideas and inventions. Obtaining a patent provides legal recognition and exclusive rights to the inventor, preventing others from using, selling, or profiting from their invention without permission.


Patent registration is a legal process that grants inventors exclusive rights over their inventions. It involves submitting an application to the relevant patent office, providing detailed information about the invention, and meeting specific requirements and criteria.


Registering a patent offers several benefits to inventors and businesses. Here are some key advantages of patent registration:

    1. Exclusive Rights: A patent grants the inventor exclusive rights to their invention, preventing others from making, using, selling, or importing the patented invention without permission. This exclusivity provides a competitive advantage by protecting the commercial value of the invention and establishing a monopoly for a limited period.

    2. Market Advantage and Increased Revenue: With a patent in hand, inventors can bring their inventions to market with confidence, knowing that competitors cannot easily replicate their product or technology. This advantage allows inventors to capitalize on their investment in research and development, potentially attracting investors, securing licensing agreements, or generating higher revenues through sales or royalties.

    3. Legal Protection and Enforcement: Patent registration provides a legally enforceable right, allowing inventors to take legal action against infringers. If someone infringes on a patented invention, the patent owner can seek remedies such as injunctions, damages, or royalties. Having a registered patent strengthens the inventor’s position in legal disputes, making it easier to defend their intellectual property rights.

    4. Deterrence: The existence of a registered patent can act as a deterrent to potential infringers. The visible presence of a patent can discourage competitors from attempting to copy or imitate the invention, knowing that legal consequences may follow. This deterrent effect helps maintain market share and preserves the value of the invention.

    5. Licensing and Technology Transfer Opportunities: Patent registration enables inventors to license their patented technology to others. Licensing agreements allow inventors to generate revenue by granting third parties the right to use or commercialize the patented invention in exchange for royalties or other financial arrangements. Patents also facilitate technology transfer and collaborations with other entities, fostering innovation and knowledge exchange.

    6. Business Valuation and Investor Confidence: Patents are valuable assets that can enhance the overall value of a business. When seeking funding or attracting investors, having registered patents can instill confidence in the business’s intellectual property portfolio and its potential for growth and profitability. Patents demonstrate a commitment to innovation and provide a tangible measure of a company’s competitive advantage.

    7. Research and Development Incentives: Patents encourage investment in research and development (R&D) by rewarding inventors with exclusive rights. The potential for patent protection motivates inventors and businesses to invest time, resources, and expertise into developing new and inventive solutions. Patent registration protects these investments, fostering a culture of innovation and supporting further advancements.

    8. Recognition and Reputation: Patents are publicly accessible records that acknowledge the inventors’ contributions to their respective fields. Patent registration can enhance the inventors’ professional reputation and credibility, both within their industry and among peers. It showcases their expertise, innovative capabilities, and technical accomplishments.

Eligibility Criteria for Patent Application

For completing the patent registration process following eligibility criteria has to be fulfilled in order to file for a registration of patent in India

  • Be the inventor or owner of the invention
  • The invention must be new
  • The invention should not be published in the public
  • The applicant must provide a detailed description and specifications of the invention.

Documents Required

  1.  Title of the invention
  2. Name of an applicant for the patent
  3. Address of applicant for the patent
  4. Contact details of an applicant for the patent
  5. Nationality of an applicant for the patent.
  6. Description of the Invention Technical aspects of the invention

How it’s done

Our online accounting services feature end-to-end online processing provided by our experts. It is very simple, completely digital and available for 365 days.

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